8K Content: Dead or Alive

Ian Nock spent some time alongside Prashant Chothani, CEO of Travelxp 4K on the IBC Webinar talking to the challenge of whether 8K is dead or not, but really it was mostly about the challenges and what we had to do to deliver high quality content, and resolution is a bit of a misdirection. We barely skimmed the surface, and I hope to talk more about it soon, but it is worthwhile to watch it on demand and if you have questions, feel free to get in touch with Ian directly.

Ian Nock is the Founder of Fairmile West, which is a Consulting company focused on working in the Consumer Device and Video arena. We work with clients on technology strategy and product delivery through key practices in Consumer Devices and Video Services. If you are interested in learning more about what we do, please do get in touch via our website – Contact us. You can also keep track with what interests us in the industry by following our Link blog at TV Tech News, and you can specifically follow news on Ultra HD via the following link – Ultra HD News.