Getting Ready for Ultra HD on All Devices

Professional Ultra HD production has taken almost a decade to mature to the point that in 2024, quality live production is becoming commonplace. But what does it mean that HDR and other Ultra HD technologies are now becoming ubiquitous in consumer devices? Are further industry efforts, such as maybe consumer-oriented guidelines, needed to ensure a seamless experience moving forward?

This is the video of the panel from NAB 2024.


Aytac Biber
Director of Product Management, Qualcomm

Felix Nemirovsky
Solutions Architect, Dolby

Ian Nock
Chair Interop-WG / Managing Consultant, Ultra HD Forum / Fairmile West


Yuriy Reznik
VP Research, Brightcove

Ben Schwarz
Chair Comms-WG / Consultant, Ultra HD Forum / CTOIC

Ian Nock is the Founder of Fairmile West, who work with clients on technology strategy and product delivery through key practices in Consumer Devices and Video Services. If you are interested in learning more about what we do, please do get in touch via our website – Contact us.